Eman Al Suwaidi

Social Entrepreneur, Influential Leadership Coach and Trainer, EMS

Entrepreneurship, Motivation
Women Empowerment, Development
Eman Al Suwaidi


Eman Al Suwaidi is a leadership coach, trainer, quality strategist, innovator and ACCA Chartered Accountant. With over ten years of experience as a trainer, she is a certified leadership coach and Trainer By John C. Maxwell Team and Company. She is an Active Quality Award Assessor UAE Innovation Awards, ˜Taqdeer' award and a Member of Dubai Quality Group. She believes in volunteering and giving back to UAE and the community that truly embodies the ˜Unity Through Diversity ' in her WWE Wonderful Women Empowerments social events. She has held leadership roles in Financial audits across different sectors and continues to be involved in driving lives through her initiatives.